Friday, October 15, 2010

Luke 17-24

I just finished reading Luke chapters 17-24 and I must say that the story of Jesus and His crucifixion and resurrection always get me. I can't believe that Herod and Pilate found Jesus innocent and found no reason to crucify Him but fulfilled the people's request. The people were saying that He had corrupted the land and that He was blaspheming. How could you not believe that He was the son of God if they saw Him do miraculous things every single day. That is just outlandish to me. The disrespect of the Son of God back then just never ceases to amaze me. If you think about it we still disrespect Him as much now as back then. We go to church and worship (if you can call it that) like we are serving a dead God. We put our hope in worldy things and not in that of Jesus. I am guilty of it and it is very hard to give it all up. Needless to say my eyes have been opened. I can't wait until the day that Jesus comes and fulfills His promise. My most favorite part of this story in Luke is the part where Jesus meets the two women on the road to Emmaus and asks them what they are talking about pretty much just playing around with them. They tell Him the story of Him which is funny to me. Then they tell Him that He should come back with them and once they get to their house they sit down to eat. A beautiful picture happens here, Jesus breaks the bread at the table and the eyes of the women are open and they weep no more. They see that it is Jesus and they immediately go and tell the disciples. That is a sweet story Jesus at the Lord's supper broke bread saying it was His body and to do it in remembrance of Him. I.E. breaking the bread at the table made the women realize it was Jesus. mmm Beautiful picture. Thank you Jesus for all that you have done.

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